I know as the busy season approaches, with all the holidays, testing, and overall rush, it can be a bit stressful. Just remember, having some kind of burnout is extremely normal. What’s important is recognizing the overwhelm and exhaustion but not letting it stay!
You probably have a thousand things on your to-do list, such as meetings, student behavioral issues to address, and more, all while trying to stay on top of things. It is understandable that the daily routine of it all can get tiresome. Through all of this, just remember there are so many rewarding things about being a teacher. You are appreciated more than you know! Plus, your kiddos with thrive simply because of YOU.
With that said, there are a few ways you can kick that mid-year burnout and still stay on top of your A-game! These suggestions below are just a few tips to help you bring some positivity and joy into your school day. Try out at least a few; you will be surprised by the difference it makes!
#1 Change Up Your Routine
Sometimes getting stuck in the same merry-go-round of schedules can be exhausting. The solution can be as simple as a few changes! You’ll find shaking some things up may also help your students as well!
A few areas you can switch up are:
- Consider Brain Breaks. These are not only great for you but your kiddos as well! Sometimes a bathroom break is just not enough time to wake up, get the wiggles out, or take a breather. A great thing to incorporate is a relaxation video, music, or stretching sessions. Getting bodies out of the chair and minds off of work for even a few minutes can be a much-needed break. There are some great videos online for brain breaks, including kid’s yoga. Join in with them and get a few minutes of breathing and stretching in to help center yourself during lessons. It’s actually really fun! But you can choose to fill this time with whatever you feel will help calm you and your classroom.
- Spend more lessons outside! Grab some clipboards and your work, and go outside! Spending some time in the fresh air can actually increase focus. It’s calming and is a refreshing retreat from the same four walls you are used to. Going outside and reading your book in the grass can be much more peaceful than in a classroom with 20 fidgeting students. Get out and get some vitamin D!
- Get to your classroom early. I know, I know. This sounds like the last thing you want to do when you are already getting so tired of that room, but hear me out! Go an extra 20-30 minutes in the morning before you usually would and spend some alone time in your classroom. Turn on some of your favorite music, take your time getting things ready for the day, drink some coffee, eat some breakfast, and simply have some YOU time. You can easily turn your classroom into your zen center when you create the atmosphere before all the hustle starts.
#2 Take a Break From Work
I don’t mean use up all your personal days and stay out for a while. We all know that means prepping for subs and possibly coming back with your class out of sorts. What I mean by take a break is to take your free time seriously. Set healthy boundaries with yourself, co-workers, or even parents. Be firm that your weekends are for family and relaxation. Yes, there will always be work to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to overwhelm yourself with constantly working on something.
#3 Take Advantage of Resources
Obviously, I believe in making your life as easy as possible with resources that are already out together for you. Digital, print-and-go, or even slideshow! You have a deep ocean of resources at your fingertips, so why not use them? You don’t have to spend hours searching or even creating worksheets and other materials. All you have to do is download resources that are specific to your grade and standards that can be used year after year! Below are a few links to these kinds of resources. Save yourself some stress and time by taking advantage of these!
- Math Skill Checks
- Readers With Character
- Centers
- Holiday Material
- Digital Work
- Classroom Decor
- Independent Work
- Writing Skills
#4 Focus on You
Lastly, focus on yourself. I know it’s hard to put yourself first when you have 20-plus kiddos you care so much about. However, if you are already feeling exhaustion, then that’s a sign you need to reevaluate some things. Try talking with a trusted co-worker! See if there are some ways you can lighten the load or get help. Lean on your teacher friends because they understand and can give valuable reassurance.
Overall, just remember you are doing an amazing job. Your kiddos appreciate you whether they know how to express it or not. Give yourself some grace. You’ve got this!