
3 Tips for the First Day of School

The first day of school can be stressful for everyone – here are three teacher-tested tips to help you have a successful first day of school!


When that bell rings and your new group of students enter your classroom on that very first day of school, there is going to be so much going on.

You might have criers, you may have shy kiddos, and you may have kids that are already trying to command every bit of your attention.  You will have the kids that know nobody, and the ones that know everybody.  You will have SO MUCH going on as soon as they walk through your door…

You need an independent task that your students can be engaged in so that you can handle all of your teacher-business during the first 10 minutes of a new school year.

The independent task that has worked *the best* for me = PLAY-DOH.  I didn’t have the kids put anything away… they found their name tag and sat down, putting their bookbag next to them on the floor.  Then, I told them that they would need to make their names out of PlayDoh – enter 24 smiling faces that are excited… WINNING.  There was already play-doh at each of their desks so they quickly got to work, and I was able to take attendance, comfort my little crying one that missed mom, and answer the phone call from the secretary – with minimal interruptions.

As soon as I had things under control, we began our first day of the new school year!


In a perfect world, you have a schedule and are able to follow it.

Teaching isn’t a perfect world though 🙂  Teaching on the first day of school is like being on a whole other planet!

If you try to make a lesson plan with start-end times, you will likely end up “off” by the end of day 1, and that’s not fun way to start the year.

What are the things that you MUST accomplish on day one?  Write those down.  Then, think of the things that you would be really happy if you had time for on day one… then write those down.  There is your schedule.  If you need to make more detailed plans, jot some notes by each of your list items.

This method for the first few days of school will allow you flexibility to get to know your students and it will ensure that you finish all those super-important tasks


You are going to have all year to introduce, model, practice, and reinforce your rules and routines.

Your main objective on the first day of school should be making sure that every single kid leaves school feeling excited to come back the next day.

How will you reach that goal if you are drilling rules and routines all day long?

Have fun.  Read books, play icebreaker games, and talk with your students.  Get to know their likes and dislikes so you can reach them as learners.  Introduce a few routines, like your “coming in the classroom” one.. but leave all the rest of that for after day number one.

What do you think, teachers?  I’d love to hear your ideas for other ways to make the first day a success!

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