
Getting Students to Reflect on Behavior

Let’s face it… classroom management can be tough.  So many different needs, and so many different agendas all in one room!  When our kiddos make choices that don’t reflect the rules, it can be easy to just give an immediate verbal or non-verbal response, but how is that really helping?

Sure, it may re-direct their behavior in the moment, but are they really understanding WHY the choice they made wasn’t the best one?

I’ve found that when I can get my students to really *think* about their choices… the WHY and HOW IT MAKES THEM FEEL… they are more likely to NOT repeat the same behavior.

How do we get students to reflect on their choices?

The ‘Think Sheet’ is a classroom management tool that I found to be extremely effective in getting my students to reflect on their choices, and also to communicate those choices and consequences with parents – bonus!

Here’s what I love about the ‘Think Sheet’:

  • Students will write what happened in their own words, allowing you to see if they truly understand what choice they made that wasn’t appreciated 🙂
  • Students will identify how they feel about the choice they made, giving them the opportunity to recognize their own feelings in relation to their choices.
  • Students will write an alternative choice that the could have made so they will know for next time how to cope with a similar situation.



Have you found any other ways to encourage students to reflect on their choices?  I’d love to hear from you, so leave a comment below 🙂



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