
Estimating Sums and Differences Task Cards Bundle

Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $4.80.



Estimating Sums and Differences Task Cards – Bundle

Looking for a fun whole-group or small group activity to practice knowledge of rounding and estimating differences and sums? Use as task cards -OR- SCOOT- a fantastic *quiet* game that gets your kids up and moving around the room.

This purchase includes TWO sets of individual task cards – save money by purchasing this BUNDLE or check out the individual listings below!

Estimating Sums *Task Cards/Scoot* Rounding to Tens and Hundreds

Estimating Differences *Task Cards/Scoot* Rounding to Tens and Hundreds

Designed to supplement teaching for Common Core Standard 3.NBT.1: Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

Can also be used to differentiate 2nd/4th grade math classrooms!


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